The Top 7 Most Common Sex Injuries

It’s no secret that love can be painful, both emotionally and physically. Most of us have made a bad choice, taken a risk we shouldn’t or even wound up with a physical injury trying to impress someone we love. But ask any Emergency Room doctor or nurse and they’ll be the first to tell you that love might hurt, but sex can be downright painful. Here we’ve gathered together the 7 most common sex injuries and how to deal with them.

  1. Crack! Breaking a Bone

Adventurous sex can lead to some great memories – and it can also lead to spending some time in a cast. Stubbed toes, fingers and wrists that get bent in the wrong direction and even sprained ankles are common. While these can often be treated with common sense home treatments. Actual broken bones are a different story. Couples who try extreme positions or who get down and dirty in the shower are more likely to actually break a bone. If you find yourself in a situation where something is definitely broken, head to the ER as quickly as possible.

  1. Breaking a Different Kind of Bone

Broken PenisPenis sprains are another common injury, though they aren’t as well known. This can happen any time a penis hits up against a hard surface. That could mean misdirection while having sex or even falling down while a man has an erection. The solution is usually just ice and rest, but serious sprains should be seen by a doctor.

  1. Lost Condom (or Accessory)

Lost InsideCondoms and sex toys have a way of getting …. Misplaced. Condoms are the most common as they can come off during sex and remain inside your partner. Sex toys are a bit of a different scenario but the end result is still the same – a need to retrieve the item. Getting a condom out of a woman isn’t difficult, just a bit awkward and she may then need to go to the doctor for the morning after pill. Sex toys can pose a larger problem and may require the help of the Emergency Room.

  1. Carpet Burns

Almost everyone who’s had a fun night ends up with a few carpet burns by the end. Carpet burns are the result of friction and, generally speaking, cleaning the wound and applying antibacterial ointment and a bandage is enough to get back to normal. Serious burns or cases where gravel or dirt may have become embedded could merit a trip to urgent care.

  1. Pulled or Strained Muscles

Pulled Muscle During sexLet’s face it, none of us are as young as we once were and strains and sprains are par for the course. If you pull a muscle during sex, you’ll know about it pretty quickly. Depending on the muscle and the severity of the sprain, you may be able to treat it with heat and rest. Any sprain that feels incredibly painful or where swelling and fever are also present should be looked at by a medical professional.

  1. Bite Injury

Sometimes we get a little crazy and things can happen – scratching, clawing and, yes, even a bit of biting. A few love bites is nothing to worry about but if you or your partner break the skin, clean the area thoroughly and watch for signs of infection. Chances are you have nothing to worry about but the human mouth isn’t exactly clean, so have it checked out should it become inflamed or otherwise infected in appearance.

  1. Pink Eye

This isn’t one most people think about but it’s more common than you think. Pink eye can happen any time a foreign substance is introduced to the eye – we don’t have to spell it out, do we? The vessels in the eye can also rupture during intense orgasms so be aware it IS a possibly, especially during amazing sex.