Seven Easy Ways to Boost Your Sex Drive Naturally

There was a time when none of us thought twice about taking a pill to solve a problem. High cholesterol? Have a pill. Blood pressure too high? Here, just take this once a day. Problems with your sexual performance? Here’s a pill. But today people have begun to think twice because of all the side effects associated with medications as well as the fact that these pills don’t solve the problem – they just treat the symptoms. Pills for high boost-your-sex-drivecholesterol don’t instantly give you healthy levels, the block the production of cholesterol. And while too much bad cholesterol is bad for your health, these blockers carry a host of nasty side effects including liver damage, intestinal problems and even a higher likelihood of developing Type 2 diabetes. A better diet and an increase in exercise, however, has been shown to be better at lowering cholesterol naturally, with the only side effect being a boost in the person’s overall health.

So it’s no surprise that more and more people are looking for natural alternatives for other problems – including ways to enhance their performance in the bedroom. There are plenty of natural supplements and herbal preparations which can offer a boost but even these can come with some side effects, especially for those already taking prescription medications. Instead, give one of these seven all natural methods a try.

1. Drive Past the Drive-Thru

The foundation of any program for health starts with how you fuel your body. Processed foods and fast food takeaways are laden with fat, sugar and salt. As a result, these foods slow you down, cause water weight gain and can contribute to a host of serious medical conditions including diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure. Instead, opt for fresh fruit and vegetables whenever possible but that doesn’t mean you have to stick to salads. Websites like Thug Kitchen and frozen healthy meals from lines like Quorn, Annie’s and Luna make adopting a healthier diet easy and convenient.

2. Get Outside!

Being out in the sun boosts your body’s production of Vitamin D and is linked to a better mood and happier state of mind. Get some extra exercise outside whenever possible. Even on a cloudy day, you’ll absorb enough sunlight t instantly brighten your mood and top up your energy reserves.

3. Meditate

Stress and anxiety rob our bodies of health and also make us more likely to suffer from sexual performance issues such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and a loss of interest in sex. Try meditation as a way to clean your mind, settle your nerves and more effectively work through anxieties and concerns.

4. Try Yoga

Any activity that improves your range of motion and encourages better flexibility can be worth its weight in gold when it comes to improving your sex life. Yoga is especially effective as it encourages participants to literally stretch their body to its fullest, encouraging better joint health and increased flexibility.

5. Walk to Lunch

Increasing how often you exercise doesn’t always have to mean booking in more time at the gym. Sneak in extra physical activity anywhere you can. If there are healthy restaurant options near your work, start walking to lunch. Or pack a brown bag lunch at home and walk to a nearby park, water fountain or even just a street side bench and enjoy some people watching while you eat. Park father away at stores or the office, take the stairs any time you can and shop with a basket instead of a cart – you’ll spend less and give your arm a workout.

6. Lose Your Inhibitions

Want to have a better sex life? Lose your inhibitions when it comes to trying something new. The next time you see a reference to something sexy on television or in the movies, don’t jump to judge. Instead turn to your partner and ask what they think of it. Broadening your horizons can lead to some new adventurous in bed.

7. Make Yourself Vulnerable

Talk to your partner – I mean, REALLY talk to them. Talk about what you’d like to try in bed, the things that turn you on or share a fantasy you’ve never told them before. This can be difficult at first but these kinds of conversations strengthen your emotional bond and make it easier to try new things.