Netflix and Chill? These Movies Are Your Best Bet for Getting Lucky

The term Netflix and Chill has become an outright phenomena. The term wasn’t even on our radar – or in our vocabulary – six months ago but today it’s the focus of news and magazine articles as well as plenty of website content. The term exploded on Google Trends in the summer of 2015, going from an unknown term to 100 percent popularity in the space of only a few months.

Sexy TimeSo what does it mean anyway? Originally, it was just a shorthand way of discussing a movie marathon. It was a simple and straight-forward approach to ask if someone wanted to get together to sit on the couch and watch movies pretty much all day. “Netflix and chill?” became the shorthand for the perfect stay at home date.

Since then, it’s become more associated with casual sex, using the movies and the environment to segue into an afternoon spent watching movies … and having a bit of frisky fun. Platonic friends still get together for some Netflix and Chill but, let’s face it, more often than not it has become the modern day equivalent of asking someone out “for coffee” or letting them come into your house after a date for a “nightcap.”

So if you’re planning on inviting someone over, why not pick movies that will increase the sexual tension and improve your chances of heating up that “chill”? Here we’ve found some of the best movies to do exactly that.

Blue is the Warmest Color – This movie made headlines upon its release for its graphic – and lengthy – depiction of lesbian sex. Several couples have used it as a way to springboard into sex and, quite frankly it works. As a bonus, it’s also been called one of the best independent films of the year, making it a pretty high-brow option that’s bound to impress your partner.

Velvet Goldmine – Okay, this one will only work with glam rock fans, but it’s the perfect mix of music, that rock and roll god lifestyle and plenty of sexy moments. There’s no more powerful way to segue into sex than a rocking soundtrack and this definitely has it.

Like Water for Chocolate – This 1990s classic has been the go to “let’s get sexy” movie for couples over the past THREE DECADES. That alone should tell you something. It is, however, about a somewhat doomed relationship, so you may want to consider making your move about halfway through.

Sex and Lucia – This is another art house type movie which features beautiful cinematography and plenty of nudity. Don’t worry if the plot goes over your head – it’s advertised as being “non-linear” which essentially means confusing. But it IS incredibly erotic.

Veronica – This is a coming of age stories that features heavily on sex. So much so that you might not want to include it if this is your first Netflix and Chill date as it can make your intentions pretty obvious. But for couples who know what’s up, it’s ideal.

Indecent Proposal – Talk about a blast from the past. While this classic film might also cause a few fights, the emotions it brings up can easily lead to some make-up sex. Better yet, it stars Woody Harrelson and Demi Moore back in the day, bringing out the nostalgia for everyone.

There are, of course, plenty of other options off the NetFlix queue but these streaming options can easily keep you going for a date or three. After all, the most important part of a quality NetFlix and Chill date isn’t necessarily the movies – it’s picking the right person to curl up with and waste an afternoon. So curl up, line up the queue and don’t forget to throw in a few light-hearted comedies for while you recover.