How Much Can Penis Enlargement Help Your Sex Life?

When it comes to sexual enhancement, many men turn to penis enlargement methods in order to gain a physical advantage. While this has always been true to a certain extent, recent discoveries in human sexual behavior have made penile enlargement options more popular than ever before. How much can size help in terms of endurance, stamina or performance? Will gaining size in length or girth improve your performance naturally? Or is there more to true sexual enhancement than simply improving what you have to work with? The answer may surprise you.
Sex Life

Why Size Counts

First, it’s important to understand that size does matter, but perhaps not as much as you think. Over the past few years, many researchers have turned their efforts – and their laboratories – over to finding out everything they can about sexual performance and behaviour.  Several studies have been conducted which focused solely on penis size and, time after time, the results have been the same. Women are simply more likely to be attracted to a well endowed man. This holds true across social and cultural borders but the difference size makes is relative to the overall size of the man. A woman is attracted to a larger penis, but only when it is proportionate. Once they are shown men with an abnormally large penis, their interest plateaus, then wanes.

This conclusion that size absolutely matters marries perfectly with evolutionary theory. After all, a larger penis helps with the physics of fertilization and, depending on its shape, it can also improve overall sexual pleasure for women as it’s more likely to trigger deep vaginal orgasms. As men and women evolved past the point of sizing up potential mates based on physical traits alone, this assumption about size being better stayed with us, buried deep in the subconscious brain. So while women may say – and truly mean – that size isn’t a concern, subconsciously it still is.

The Bigger the Penis, the Better the Sex?

These recent projects proving that penis size counts has led to a renewed belief that penis enlargement is the fastest way to better sex. Although bigger size does give men an advantage, it doesn’t necessarily mean that increasing size increases performance. In fact, relying too much on penis enlargement to improve performance can leave men with a negative view of enlargement methods, thinking they were ineffective when, in fact, they had only done half the work.

The real key to improving sexual performance lies in addressing every part of performance. That means dealing with any physical issues such as penis enlargement, muscle tone and overall fitness as well as understanding the best positions, techniques and methods to drive your partner crazy. Thought must also be given to how penis enlargement will affect performance both during and after the enlargement process.


Successful enlargement methods take time if the effects are expected to be long lasting. Penis extenders, for example, have been clinically proven to provide extra length, but only when used as a part of an ongoing regimen which often takes several months. During this time, men typically find they experience heightened sensitivity as well as slight aches or pains which are a natural part of the enlargement process. This is why addressing techniques and sexual positions is such an important part of improving overall performance and satisfaction.

When it comes to sexual performance, size definitely makes a difference. For women, it’s about evolutionary preference, even if on a subconscious level. For men, the difference size makes is primarily mental since a larger penis often gives men a boost of self-esteem and confidence which can help them to be more adventurous and willing to try new things between the sheets. Supporting that new size and new approach to sex can be done by investing time and energy into learning about different positions, foreplay techniques and other moves which will give men the opportunity to operate at peak performance and keep their partners satisfied both during and long after the enlargement process is done.