5 Of the Strangest Facts Related to Sex

Sex has always been and will always remain an interesting topic. From the adult entertainment industry to scientific studies, from how sexuality is depicted in the media to what really goes on behind closed doors, how humans act and interact during sex is something we are all curious about. Here we are going to delve into some of the more “out there” sexual study topics that have been addressed by leading scientists and researchers. Far from the ordinary topics of positions, foreplay, and fantasies, these topics really make you wonder why the researchers chose to explore certain sexual topics.
One night stand

A one night stand could be good for your health.

Everyone seems to have a different view on the topic of one night stands. Some men feel that it is a right of passage, or even a goal for every weekend. Others may feel guilty, like they are being a user and a manipulator. Women tend to carry more guilt where one night stands are concerned. This is mostly due to the double standards that women face related to the number of sexual partners they have. Researchers at the renowned Cornell University studied the phenomenon surrounding one night stands, and discovered that the practice can be good for you, as long as you go into it without any further emotional expectations.

Do less laundry and have more sex.

LaundryProving that we have not evolved quite as much as we would like to believe, a recent study through the American Sociological Reviews determined that men who stuck to traditional gender roles had more sex. Though feminists have fought for years for more equality, it turns out that women are more attracted to men who do less housework or chores, and instead spend their time doing more “manly” tasks around the home.

Is it really true love?

Couples tend to place an overwhelming amount of pressure on their relationship without meaning to. How do they do this? By constantly insinuating that their partner is their “soul mate”. This is a pretty idea, but scientifically unrealistic. While the human species is semi-programed to mate for life, this does not mean that your current partner is the end all be all. Studies have discovered that the couples who simply enjoy their relationship, without placing names or unrealistic expectations on them, have happier and healthier sex lives and relationships.

Do you have MENSA measurements?

According to the University of California-Santa Barbara, there is a direct relation between a woman’s hip size and her intelligence. Through this study, over sixteen thousand women were measured and evaluated for cognitive intelligence. The results of these findings were surprising. Apparently, women who tend to have a hip measurement that is 30% greater than their natural waist (for example a 27 inch waist and 38 inch hips) are smarter than women who have less curves or more of a stomach. No one is sure why this is, but the numbers speak for themselves.

Death cannot stop ejaculation.

Not that you ever thought you needed to know this, but a man who has recently passed away can still have an orgasm. Researchers have discovered that the sacral nerve (located near the tail bone) can be stimulated with electrodes, resulting in ejaculation. This may seem creepy, but think of the practical uses. For couples who have always wanted children, if the man dies, the wife may still have a chance to procreate with him. The only way this works is if the brain and body are still receiving oxygen, even after the heart stops and the body is considered deceased. Therefore, only situations where the man dies in hospital or physician care are they able to stimulate ejaculation.