Want More Sex? Go Back to Basics

Spend enough time reading about what guys post online and it won’t take long to discover that what they want is sex. The ones who aren’t getting any just want to get lucky

and the guys with girlfriends and wives wish they could have more sex – or more adventurous sex – on a regular basis.

Want more sexEach man has the same story, the same request. He is often looking for a product – sometimes a supplement to help with libido, other times information on new positions or techniques – because he claims he is willing to do just about anything to get sex more often. But is this really the case?

The truth is that it isn’t hard to get more sex if you’re willing to actually do the work. That means addressing your own issues and improving performance but also going back to basics and reminding the woman in your life why she chose you.

First up, get yourself in top shape. That doesn’t mean you have to wait for sex until you’ve attained that perfect 10 body. What it does mean is that you need to get your technique, stamina and overall performance up to scratch. Take an inventory of both your strengths and weaknesses to come up with a To Do list of what issues need to be addressed and which talents you can showcase more effectively.

When you have identified your weaknesses, check out the most natural ways to address them in order to achieve real, long term results. For example, if stamina is an issue don’t automatically run off and pick up supplements designed to deliver a blast of energy. Sure, they’ll work for awhile, but they’re not a long term solution. Instead, check out diet and exercise plans and all natural supplements designed to support whole body health with a focus on energy. What’s the difference? The difference is that the second more natural method will deliver results now – and for the future. Quick fixes might be tempting but they simply won’t work in the long run and if you want more regular sex, you need to be thinking long term.

Next we have the work you need to do with that special woman. The idea that men love the chase is undeniably true, but so do the women who are the object of that chase. It’s this fact that often gets overlooked. That’s not to say women want to be annoyed, harassed or to be made to feel like they have a admiring stalker. But they do want to feel wanted – who doesn’t?

But maybe it’s been awhile since you had to romance your girl, or maybe you never really learned how. Let’s face it, in today’s fast paced world you can’t exactly use the same advice as your grandpa gave you back in the day.

Or can you?

The basic principles of romancing a woman remain the same since they’re based on simple, thoughtful gestures. Text her in the morning, drop her an email mid-day letting her know you’re thinking about her, swing by the florist’s on the way home and generally just get back to remembering everything that made you fall in love. Go out of your way to compliment and appreciate her and invest the emotional energy into listening – really listening – to what she has to say.

Investing time in the emotional and spiritual connection and attachment women want can be time and energy intensive. This is what makes some men feel like it’s essentially impossible. But if you’re willing to put in the time you’ll develop a relationship where sexual intimacy comes easier and is much more fulfilling.