Erotic Vomiting – The Grossest Fetish You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

People who dig the world of fetish sex tend to be pretty open minded. After all it’s hard to get all judgey about someone who likes to screw shoes when you dig being tickled with candy bars. But still, even among the most hardcore fetish groups there are some preferences which just befuddle, amaze and confuse.

So Sexy I’m Sick

EmetophiliaKnown in scientific circles as emetophilia, the vomit fetish isn’t something you’ll see on most mainstream sex sites. This highly specialized fetish may not be well-known but its fans are just as passionate as any other fetish community.

Emetophiles get turned on by various aspects of vomit. Some find the whole cycle of “spasm, ejaculation, relief” with vomiting as arousing as they do with traditional sexual connotations. Some want to see their partners be sick while others enjoy getting sick themselves – sometimes directly onto their partners.

The practice is sometimes referred to as a Roman Shower. It gets the name from the idea that Romans would go to vomit up their meals in order to eat more when attending large feasts and banquets. The veracity of that practice remains a matter of debate, but the euphemism has stuck for emetophiles and a quick search on the term in connection to sexual fetish returns an impressive 24,000 hits.

The Ins and Outs of Emetophilia

Personal preferences aside, safety concerns for emetophiles is a serious issue. Vomit is, after all, a bodily fluid which can increase your chances of contracting illness and bacteria. And then there’s the issue of increased stomach acid for those who enjoy vomiting personally. As a result, the fetish community that enjoys the practice does what it can to educate the public and their fellow emetophiles.

For those who want to engage in it, fetish experts suggest getting off by watching it on adult videos or still photography. If people are able to enjoy it vicariously, it can mitigate many of the problems associated with handling and exchanging fluids.

Woman sick from EmetophiliaFor those who feel compelled to get their hands dirty, so to speak, safety and common sense are important. Never spring this kind of thing on a partner without telling them. Throwing up on someone in order to see if they’re into the same thing is almost certain to end badly.

Once you find a partner who’s into it, discuss your sexual history and any STDs you’ve been exposed to. This should be done anytime you exchange body fluids but it’s imperative with a fetish like this. Personal safety is also a major concern.

Vomiting is a traumatic event physiologically speaking. Stomach acid brought up during the process can erode tooth enamel and damage your esophagus so it simply isn’t something that should be engaged in often. Repeated events can also disrupt your normal digestion so, again, moderation is key.

As with so many other extreme fetishes, the roots of emetophilia aren’t fully understood. What makes vomiting attractive to some people and how does that develop into a full blown fetish? Experts think the roots lay in early sexual connections just as they do in people who develop a fetish for spanking, scarves or any other more mainstream fetishes.

While emetophilia may not be common, at the end of the day it’s something that happens between two consenting adults. Responsible play and open communication are important and people who are into it can find advice and support through a variety of online forums. Thanks to the internet, there’s simply no need to feel like you’re the only one with a strange fetish. The active community of online emetophiliacs is the best example of the idea that there’s a place for everyone.